CRank: 5Score: 13260

Everyone on this site knows of the developers 'original' pain with accessing its power......

Everyone on this site knows of Sonys arrogance "people will work two jobs to own our console"

Everyone on this site is aware that most multiplats look 'slightly' better on the 360.


The average Joe on the street doesnt know any of the top 10 reasons and doesnt care i would have thought.

They know of Sonys repu...

5563d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

They all come with HDMI,a wireless controller and apart from the elite being black isnt the harddrive size (or one being there) the only difference between the Arcade,Pro and Elite?

Mind you i think the latter comes bundled with the headset too........

5563d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The trains on a few lines werent able to run due to there being the "wrong type of leaves on the tracks"......

5563d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lovely art design and flavour.

Cant decide whether to buy or not though.....

5563d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Even though its not getting the scores that alot of people would have liked (across the board) its still a 'biggy' and should sell like one.

Be a Colbert not a Steven.

5563d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well apart from graphics obviously ;

Halo3 (let alone Halo4 or ODST) beat Killzone2 in playability, musical score, replayability/lastability.

Each Halo game has been a benchmark - not for graphics but for the all important playability/lastability.

Very few games come near that - respective nod to CoD4.

5569d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I didnt play Halo3 as much as Halo2 (where i clocked in over 3000 games online) but its still testament to the fact that Bungies multiplayer is still something special - it just feels 'right' to play.

Thumbs up :)

5570d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I would like it customised so it runs multi platforms games smoothly, plays Gears and Halo and has an awesome online service............hang on i think i might get one of those 360 things.

5570d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

It does its job well and its free - what more could you want.

5570d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Crysis outshines it graphically (on a meaty PC obviously)

Halo3, COD4 & COD5 outshine it in playability/replayability.

Still a marvelous game though but raising the bar.......not so much.

5570d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

The actual content of the review and its information about game mechanics,playability and any issues (dodgy camera angles etc) is far more important than a mark out of 10 to me.

If games did have to have a score system i believe the out of 5 method is simply the best........with the out of 10 system any game scoring 7 or less is a massive failure according to alot of posters on these threads!

You cant beat a bit of hands on time though with a game before purchase...

5584d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Or perhaps a gun that shoots out chocolate or donuts,or even chocolate donuts........

5597d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

All they need to do now is build me a 'Ghost' and i'll be as happy as larry ;)

5597d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


You Sir are either very naive OR you are the master of sarcasm - good show.

5597d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

It might turn out to be an amazing game but turn the tide?...i dont think so.

Japan is Nintendo land and to a lesser extent Sony land - thems the facts.

However Microsoft have done what they wanted to achieve this gen in Japan - further their brand recognition in Japan and have an installed base that will give them a sturdy foothold next gen.

5597d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Maybe Sony's hardware, Microsofts software, a light dusting of Nintendo's originality and a hint of Sega's magic - yes please.

Honourable mentions to Atari and Panasonic.....

5597d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ha ha - everyone says that the prequels were 'rubbish'!

I disagree though - obviously IV,V,VI are the greatest films of all time. I still get an adrenaline rush watching the Tantive being chased by the Star Destroyer at the start of IV and ive watched it over 200 times......

However the prequels were very decent too,sure Binks was annoying but the Darth Maul fight, the seduction of Anakin in 2/3 and the fight with 100+ Jedi on Geonosis were magical.

5597d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"There's a reason why few people get misty-eyed for the Saturn, but are inspired to passionate defence and blissful nostalgia by the Dreamcast. It's not the technology, or even the brand. It's the games. "

The Saturn was an solid machine with incredibile games - sure the Dreamcast was decent but the Saturn was,imo,the king of the gen which gave us the Playstation also.

An example - Virtua Fighter2, Guardian Heroes, Sega Rally, Shining Force3, Panzer Dra...

5599d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I thought that it was common knowledge now but obviously not......

All PSN games dont have dedicated servers and all LIVE games dont have P2P.

There is a split of dedicated/P2P for each service.

If LIVE was free - perhaps with an unskippable 10 second advert the first time each day that you go online (to pay for the service) then it would be even more awesome.

Sony are getting there though - just in 'fits and starts' is all.

5601d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

very nice points - bubbles up

yes the thompson/mp40 brigade do seem to have an advantage - even at a distance where rifles should have one.

trying to squeeze of 4 rounds from a gewthur (sp?) semi-auto when going up against a sub-machine gunner your going to end up dead alot more times than they are - unless you get the drop on them.

As for people moaning about Treyarch? - If noone told you the game was made by them and instead told you that it was ...

5607d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment